Tax Organizer - Use this organizer to help you prepare for your tax appointment.

Tax Checklist - Use this checklist to make sure you have all items needed for your taxes.

Rental Property Summary Sheet - Use this form to report your income and expenses from rental property.

Self-Employed Summary Sheet - Use this form to report income and expenses from your small business.

Office In Home Summary Sheet - Use this form to report your office in home expenses.  Remember the office has to be a separate room set aside specifically for business use.

Employee Business Expense Summary Sheet - Use this form to report your employee business expenses.

Law Enforcement Deductions - Law enforcement officers can use this organizer to compile their deductions.

Firefighter Deductions - Firefighters can use this form to report their deductions.

Non-Cash Charitable Donation Tracker - Use this tracker to find and record the value of your non-cash
charitable donations.

Record Retention

Check your North Carolina Refund...Click here.

Helpful Handouts

Track Your Refund

Tax Center

Storing tax records?  How long is long enough?  

Click here to find out!

Check your Federal Refund...Click here.
RC Accounting Corp.

"Specializing in Tax Preparation and Accounting"


 301 N. Moore St.

 Sanford, NC 27330

 (919) 776-1120